10 Tips to Open a Restaurant
1- Do Your Homework: Conducting a Market research or study is not only for customer satisfaction surveys., or to identify problems....
Dumplings vs Shish Barak - When the Far East meets the Middle East
It's been a little over 4 years since I shut down my company in Amman, sold my Sarsoura (aka Nissan Micra), packed my bags, and booked a...
Why invest in China?
Why would you invest in China? A country you've only known to produce cheap and low quality commodities, has low wages, is polluted, and...
The Basics of Marketing (4 Ps) - Continued
In the previous article, I highlighted how important it is to know your product and what solution it can provide to your customers, and...
The Basics of Marketing (4 Ps)
When constructing a building, the first thing the architect needs to do, is create the proper foundations that will hold the walls and...
The Ugly Truth of Modern-Day Marketing
Just a daily rant on how Marketing is perceived, versus the shocking reality!